By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 26 – Build the Life You Want. Take Care of Your Own Stuff First. Paradox of Life.

Thought #1 – Build the Life You Want. You have the power to control your life. Set aside time to think about ways you can build a life full of joy, strength, and peace. Thought #2 – Take Care of Your Own Stuff First. Before you attempt to help someone else, make sure all your “ducks

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 25 – Growth Gap. Personal Growth is a Process. Develop a Plan to Control Your Thoughts.

Thought #1 – Growth Gap. The difference between your current level of personal development and your growth potential is your growth gap. The most important step in closing the gap is to identify which beliefs and habits caused it. Thought #2 – Personal Growth is a Process. Growth is a slow process. You don’t usually

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 24 – Self-Doubt. Words Matter. Conquer Your Fears.

Thought #1 – Self-Doubt. Your limiting beliefs can lead to self-doubt. Holding on to self-doubt can decrease your chances of success. Trade in self-doubt for self-awareness and self-confidence and your success will soar. Thought #2 – Words Matter. The things you tell yourself and others matter. They can encourage or discourage. They can motivate you

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 23 – The Road to Success. Control Your Thoughts. Self-Acceptance.

Thought #1 – The Road to Success. There is no such thing as overnight success. It’s only through the compounding effect of the small steps you take every day that success can be achieved. So, do the work and it will pay off in the end. Thought #2 – Control Your Thoughts Control your thoughts

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 22 – Fixed Mindset versus Growth Mindset. How to Achieve Significance. How to Predict Your Future.

Thought #1 – Fixed Mindset versus Growth Mindset. Fixed Mindset = Blaming others for your lack of success. Growth Mindset = The only person responsible for my success or lack of success is me. Fixed Mindset = I was born this way, so I can’t help it. Growth Mindset = No matter what “cards” I

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 21 – Fulfilling your Dreams. You Have What It Takes. Growth Mindset.

Thought #1 – Fulfilling your Dreams. Get out of your head. Don’t let fear keep you from fulfilling your dreams. Don’t allow your mind to trick you into thinking that what you want isn’t possible. Thought #2 – You Have What It Takes Unhappy in your current position? Leave. It is possible to be successful

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 20 – How to Be Productive. Commit to Being a Lifelong Learner. Be that Leader who Listens.

Thought #1 – How to Be Productive. No matter what you have heard, multitasking doesn’t result in you being more productive. Since your brain can only concentrate on one task at a time, trying to complete several tasks at the same time will only leave you distracted, not productive. Productivity will be evident when you

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 19 – Life’s Challenges. Imagination. Conflict.

Thought #1 – Life’s Challenges. You don’t always get to choose your challenges in life, but you can choose how to react to them. Thought #2 – Imagination. Imagination is the fuel that sparks innovation. Thought #3 – Conflict. Conflict is in evitable, so choose to be compassionate and respectful when handling disagreements with others. Remember,