By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 35 – It Doesn’t Take Much to Be Kind. Comfort. Be Wise.

Thought #1 – It Doesn’t Take Much to Be Kind. You probably have heard that it doesn’t take much to be kind, but that couldn’t be furthest from the truth. It takes a lot to be kind. You must look at things through the eyes of another person and not through your own eyes. Because

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 34- Love. Live Intentionally. Communication.

Thought #1 – Love. Love is a gift. Love never takes advantage of you. Love always wants the best for you. Love never lies. Love always forgives. Thought #2 – Live Intentionally Don’t allow life to just happen to you. Dream! Plan! And then take action! That’s what it means to live intentionally. Thought #3 –