By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 58 – Cultivating Confidence Daily. Confidence Boosting Techniques. Confidence-driven Relationships.

Thought #1 -Cultivating Confidence Daily. Confidence give you the courage to  deal with failure and setbacks, but it takes effort to gain it. Cultivating confidence isn’t a one-time task; it’s a daily practice. It starts with small steps, like affirming your worth each morning. Begin your day with positive self-talk, reinforcing your capabilities. Set achievable goals,

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 37 – Time Invested in Yourself. Momentum. Who You Are.

Thought #1 – Time Invested in Yourself. Never underestimate the time you spend investing in your personal and professional development. Time invested in yourself is never lost because the return on investment (ROI) will show up in your attitude, relationships, and leadership skills. Thought #2 – Momentum. You need momentum to propel you to the other