By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 50 – Consistency Compounds. Stay Close to the Fire. Small Steps Into Your Future.

Thought #1 – Consistency Compounds. When you feel like giving up on what you have been working on, keep pushing through. You may need to adjust or modify a few things, but don’t throw in the towel. The moment you succumb to defeat may just be a few steps before your breakthrough. Consistency compounds, so

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 49 – Innovation. Your Greatest Need. Live Your Best Life.

Thought #1 – Innovation. Innovation comes from a place of creativity, but it can also happen when you run out of options. Thought #2 – Your Greatest Need. When your greatest need is validation from others, shift your focus from off of yourself and focus on adding value to others. Thought #3 – Live Your Best

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 48 – When In Doubt, Plan It Out. Resilience. What The World Owes You.

Thought #1 – When In Doubt, Plan It Out. If you find yourself, doubting your abilities to accomplish a task, push through the fear until it doesn’t speak as loudly in your ear. Put together an actionable plan, follow it, and the self-doubt that paralyzed you will disappear. Thought #2 – Resilience. Never give up! Keep

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 47 – Show Up. Short-term Vision, Big Results. Distractions.

Thought #1 – Show Up. You will experience crises at some point in your personal or professional life. How you react during a crisis is a choice. You can choose to show up and lead, or you can choose to ignore what is happening around you. Yes, the choice is yours, but it is always

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 46 – Start Today. How Do Companies Succeed. One Way To Success.

Thought #1 – Start Today. You won’t know how good you are at anything if you don’t start. Stop second guessing yourself and move forward with your plans today. Thought #2 – How Do Companies Succeed. Leaders with a fixed mindset focus on themselves, blame others for their mistakes, makes excuses, and stifles criticism. Leaders

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 45 – Goals vs Systems. Pain’s Relationship to Purpose. Safe Haven.

Thought #1 – Goals vs Systems. Setting up systems to accomplish your goals will guarantee that you will get what you want. These systems should include a consistent way in which you will set out to meet each goal. In other words, when will you work on your goals? For how long? And what will

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 44 – Perseverance. Handling Destructive Criticism. Peace.

Thought #1 – Perseverance. Keep moving no matter what obstacles you encounter. Walk around them, over them, behind them, through them and never let them stop you. This is what perseverance is all about. Thought #2 – Handling Destructive Criticism. Criticism that serves to harm, hurt, or ruin your reputation is destructive. This type of

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 43 – Emotions. How To Show Up During a Crisis. Time To Reflect.

Thought #1 – Emotions. Don’t allow your emotions to dictate your attitude; emotions are fickle. They are here today and gone tomorrow. One minute you’re happy and at the drop of a hat you’re sad. One day you’re fearful, the next day you are filled with courage. When you allow your emotions to dictate your